Why Pataki is important. - draft
There can be seen now two schools of Republicans. Bush Republicans and Perry Republicans. This took form in Rick Perry’s recent primary race when Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Karl Rove and Karen Hunghes (W’s proxy) lined up behind Kay Bailey Hutchinson and Sarah Palin lined up behind Rick Perry. Perrry won in a landslide. But the sides had already been drawn up for and against Doug Hoffman’s Conservative Party challenge in NY 23. Palin was there, then Perry and Tim Pawlenty after the brush was cut while Newt Gingrich and the party regulars lined up behind the traditional Republican. But George Pataki was there first. The Bush clan is now siddling up to Tea Party types; Cheney to Rubio in Florida, Mitt Romney to Nikki Haley in South Carolina. But George Pataki was there first.
He told The Hill that he won’t rule out a Presidential race in 2012 and would be a great addition to a line which would hopefully include Perrry, Palin and bobby Jindal. That would leave Mitt Ronmey holding the coat for the Bush party. But all of these others add substance to what is the sea change known as the Tea Party. They, like Tamino, maya need three words for guidance and their journey to maturity. They might be: passion, perspective and packaging. Palin provides passion and Perry the comprehensive abilities of a well-run state. But Pataki provides perspective. ______
It is of vital importance that this movement include someone from the northeast, preferably New York, or it runs the possibility of dangerously dividing red states from blue. Pataki is that man. Honest Jefferrsonian strengths are growing in the heartland, reaching already beyond the states challenge to Obamacare. Minnesota and other states and now formulating legislation which would build a high legal threshold to and federal legislation. These strivings are necessary and must find equitable solutions in our time. And as long as Bill Mayer, Noam Chomsky, Frank Rich, tiny Fey and David Letterman scorn the Tea Party and Sarah Palin – German fascists, Ku Klux Klan, slut, “two-headed circus freak dog” I read about Palin in a Durham, NC, newspaper this week; writes on her hand and has a Garfield calender on her desk - the movement will grow and clarify. They conjure images of vampires in the twilight and trigger an archetypal and instinctive Slayer response out there in Sunnydale, and she comes with a sword.
The Tea Party is an amouphous force, but it may already have done its work. It is inherently a fledgling Federalist party or rising theme in the Republican party.
go to Revere America and talk to the constitutional challenge by the states to Obamacare - this is an ideaa looking for a ringmaster. it is now an idea which will not go away - hippie sttes and Indian tribes are claiming sovereignty as well as Texas and Pacific Northwest and Alaska - and will spread to other cultural regions - as I opposed national prayer day from a federalist perspective; it was a federalist ue. point of view. but with a poor master a great and good idea can become intolerable, fanatic. The good master is the key. Perry is a good master and Palin a good representative spirit of rising America. Guliani represents this as well in a heartfelt way. But not all the way. Petaki is a picture of controlled passion, but ot passion denied but passion organized. new York needs to be involved in this, and it presents a good run: Pataki, Palin, Perry, Romney in 2012 - a stabilizing
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