Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Symbiotes: Tom DeLay and Hillary are One

by Bernie Quigley for The Free Market News Network at 3/28/07

A USA Today/Gallup Favorable/Unfavorable Poll taken last week shows Rudi Giuliani well ahead of John McCain, 60-51, with Mitt Romney hovering at 22, just one point ahead of Karl Rove. John Edwards leads Senator Clinton 55-48. But something else here; Edwards has an “unfavorable” rating of only 25. Hillary an astonishing “unfavorable” rating of 48. Further, Edwards’ “not sure” rating is 11, Hillary’s 3.

Giuliani's sudden rise against McCain is key to the development of the race here. McCain’s run is losing gas. A Republican nomination for Giuliani would be good for country in that it would keep Mike Bloomberg out. A Bloomberg third-party run could create red state/blue state chaos and contention. And it is good for the Democrats in that it could force them to put up better opposition against a formidable opponent like Giuliani. Real grown ups like Mark Warner, former governor of Virginia, Kathleen Sebelius, Governor of Kansas or Wesley Clark.

If Mike Bloomberg sent forth a third party in this environment, it could well send the election into the House of Representatives. Given the Democratic surge in the ’06 race and the Democrats current majority in the House, that would give the Presidency to Hillary. A new President Clinton would extend the Boomer generation into geriatrics, blocking out the sun for the ‘young uns. But this would also awaken again the Boomer symbiotes; Tom Delay and Newt Gingritch, who owe their existence, influence and life force to their countervailing generationalists.

You can’t have the one without the other. As the great Southern historian Dan Carter writes in his book The Politics of Rage – the rise of the Christian Right and all of its agents was a rise against the Sixties.

“. . . as the civil rights movement expanded in the 1960s to inspire the women’s rights movement, the antiwar movement, and the politics of sexual liberation, George Wallace adroitly broadened his message,” writes Carter. “Journalists might greet this growing counterculture with curiosity, even approval. But Wallace knew – instinctively, intuitively – that tens of millions Americans despised the civil rights agitators, the antiwar demonstrators, the sexual exhibitionists as symbols of a fundamental decline in the traditional cultural compass of God, family, and country.”

Wallace invoked images of a nation in crisis, says Carter, a country in which thugs roamed the streets with impunity, antiwar demonstrators embraced the hated Communist Vietcong, and brazen youth flaunted their taste for “dirty” books and movies. “And while America disintegrated, cowardly politicians, bureaucrats, and distant federal judges capitulated to these loathsome forces."

Red state/blue state contention is, in effect, a war between generations.

The rest of us have moved on. Somebody tell the entrenched rank and file Democrats and Clinton cultists sure to be glued to the TV this week to watch the PBS special, The Boomer Century. Syndicated columnist Kevin McDonough writes, “If you stick around to the end, you’ll see a group of 60-something Washington, D.C. professionals performing a wedding-band version of Born to be Wild.” He warns of 40 more years of such endless chatter.

History has moved on and so have the generations. Giuliani appeals to the fourth post-war generation. He is beholding neither to the hippies nor the Evangelical Millenialists hoping to jump start the Second Coming through chaos and war in the Middle East. Warner, Sebelius and Clark also appeal to the fourth generation. And so do the new Democrats elected to the House and Senate in ’06. A new Mrs. Elvis in the White House would wipe out these gains overnight, just as the Clinton Presidency destroyed the Democratic majority Congress within two years of his Presidency, and cast the country in a North/South contention like it hasn’t seen since 1865.

This week, the Washington Post has a big front-page story on Mike Bloomberg, also a candidate with fourth-generation appeal, and his potential third-party run for President. This story is almost identical in content to an article run by the New York Sun a few weeks ago, several run in The Free Market News in the past year and one in New York magazine last fall.

There is no new news to this story. It is akin to the array of “Hillary not running!” stories sent out week upon week by the likes of Cable News Network, bored and disinterested in the everyday workings of democracy in the ’06 races and seeking instead celebrity. But what it implies is that here today in Political Cloud Cookooland, the MSM is getting tired of Hillary, Obama, Edwards and McCain. Like Gilligan’s Island, you can only rerun these stories so many times. They are no longer interesting and there are no more non-stories out there to tell again.

So they're starting to work on Bloomberg. Mike Bloomberg is after all one of the most interesting and savvy guys ever to sleep in Gracie Mansion. As with Giuliani, the Yankee hat fits. And there is something about either one of these guys which could restore New York City to its primacy in the wake of 9/11 and in the end, it may be our fate to do so.

At least a year back now, Bloomberg said he would run if both parties put forth "extreme" candidates. He seemed then to be suggesting Hillary Clinton and George Allen, the Virginia Senator who recently lost his office to Jim Webb. More recently he added McCain to that formula, saying it depends on which McCain runs – (the McCain who stood up against the undue influence of Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell, or the one who now grovels before them).

I think Bloomberg could well enter now if it goes Hillary vs. McCain. I do not think he will enter if it goes Hillary vs. Giuliani. What Bloomberg is doing is an act of corrective citizenship. No need. And now Giuliani is rising hard against McCain. And his “Draft Giuliani” site says he is nine points ahead of Hillary and he hasn’t even entered the race yet.

We are leaving now the Beginning and entering the Middle. I don't think we are getting to xyz yet as per the Greek chorus which is the MSM. I think we are just leaving the Beginning and getting to the Middle.

Hillary, dominating the cash flow, could well survive the stress-free Beginning and absorb the Edwards/Obama energy. Her husband Bill, seeking his third term in the White House, is raising cash for her hand-over-fist in New York City and environs, calling events in which she is not even present. Just Bill. Her 1st Quarter 2007 numbers will be obscene. Four fundraising invites in the month of March alone. Cheapest entry price: $1,000.00.

The Middle will begin when Giuliani enters. He will rapidly surpass McCain now and probably take the Republican nomination.

And Giuliani will bring the first real challenge to the Democrats: They will have to ask themselves if this trajectory they have been on these past 12 years with the Democratic Leadership Council is not now a one-way ticket to Palookaville. A candidate like Senator Clinton with a 48% negative ceiling had no chance against McCain.

Against Giuliani, a candidate with 9/11 karma and cache and New York street smarts, a Clinton candidacy will bring a total and probably final breakdown of the Democratic Party with the loss of 50 states. This will be the Democrats fourth (and last) catastrophic failure in the post-war period. (But there is something in Democrats which likes to lose; it calls the failure of Adlai Stevenson a success; it calls the McGovern failure a success; it calls the Howard Dean failure a success. And it will call the Hillary failure a success.)

I do not believe Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi will let this happen on their watch. When Giuliani rises, the new ’06 Democratic Congress will have to assert itself and call for a real First Tier contender.

By June, when Giuliani is 15% ahead of McCain (and he is almost there now), the calls will start to come for someone else (Warner, Sebelius, Clark). And as the key issue is certain to be continued quagmire in the expanding Iraq theater, the final xyz scenario next year some time could well be Wesley Clark vs. Giuliani.

I am certain that Mike Bloomberg will stay out of a Clark/Giuliani race. There is a possibility of Mitt Romney rising as well but the same applies to him. Bloomberg will also stay out of a Clark vs. Romney race.

Rudi Giuliani entered our world out of human tragedy. What 9/11 did was bring America to where it very suddenly required real leadership for survival (not "just anybody" as we have today in the Democratic lineup). That is, people who are born-in-the-bone leaders. Giuliani is a leader like that and so is Bloomberg and so is Wes Clark.

But it takes a long process of denial for the people as a whole to get to that true leader and the authentic action which flows naturally from that leader. We are going from the Fantasy Island of dotcom undercapitalized entrepreneurs – a world projected where stocks will go up to 35,000 and everyone will be millionaires (and sadly, these were projections by the new Goldman Sacks Democrats led today by Hillary), to blood in the streets and bodies falling before our eyes a hundred stories to their death. It is a major psychological transition and it is the greatest transition we have been through in this country since World War II.

I'll say this about Bloomberg. If he starts a party it will be a party which will be here to stay. He is not a maverick like Ross Perot (in the post-war period, third party has already gone through its "monkey god" or creation phase, so people don't have to get used to this transition).

Bloomberg is prompted to act by citizenship but by market analysis as well. He has the smarts and intuition of the very best. Hillary and McCain are simply old product. By any corporate marketing standard, new ventures are suggested. Ron Paul will bring a new voice and new ideas. There may well be others.

1 comment:

john said...